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How To Write A Critique Essay On An Article
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Absolute Truth :: essays research papers
The subject of good and bad has been combat over for a considerable length of time. Numerous preservationists despite everything accept that fact is supreme, while others deviate, saying that reality is relative. I accept that reality is outright, and in this way, it is never option to foul up. Socrates is tentatively the best thinker ever. He lectured out against corruption and numerous different shades of malice. He went through his entire time on earth showing others how to be acceptable and moral. In the â€Å"Crito†he is detained and anticipating his capital punishment for deceiving the young, of which he has been wrongly denounced. Crito, his companion, stays with him in prison and they have a significant discussion, which is the â€Å"Crito.†Socrates and his companion could have decently handily broken out of the jail, on the grounds that a considerable lot of the watchmen admired Socrates and didn’t wish to see him murdered. Socrates pointed out that if he somehow managed to leave prison, he would violate the law. Despite the fact that he had been wrongly charged and condemned to death for reasons unknown, he couldn’t conflict with his own lessons, or, in all likelihood his entire life would have been futile. He realized that on the off chance that he didn’t escape, he would kick the bucket and would vagrant his two youngsters, anyway regardless of the amount he adored Steve Weber-2 them, he wouldn’t negate his educating by fouling up. Despite the fact that Socrates wasn’t great, he would consistently put forth a cognizant attempt to do right. Breaking out of prison would be glaringly off-base, and he couldn’t force himself to do it. Adolf Hitler is straightforwardly and in a roundabout way answerable for additional passings than nearly anybody ever. More than 6,000,000 Jews alone were murdered due to his concentration camps. In The Plot to Kill Hitler, a gathering of German officials and numerous others shaped an underground society to attempt to murder Hitler. The vast majority would concur that what they were doing was alright in light of the fact that Hitler was such an awful man. Tragically, they weren't right. Murder is never right, regardless of who is being executed. Good and bad can not be recognized through society’s point of view. Society will in general gander at everything comparative with it’s circumstance. When deciding good and bad we need to look to the essential fact of the matter, not our own emotions. Submitting certain â€Å"wrong’s†might be acknowledged by society more than different wrong’s. If somebody somehow happened to slaughter the President, individ uals would be shocked and request equity, however if somebody somehow managed to murder a vagrant, numerous individuals could disregard it with out to such an extent as fluttering an eyelash.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Are Whistle Blowers Heroes or Traitors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Are Whistle Blowers Heroes or Traitors - Essay Example Truth be told, the whistle blowing at the working environment is important in light of the fact that it may assist with forestalling future fiascos. So as to urge individuals to report about the bad behaviors â€Å"in 1999, the Government presented the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Open Concern at Work named the Act the most sweeping informant law on the planet since it urges representatives to revolt against bad behavior in the working environment and shields them from being unreasonably exploited because of their actions†(Blowing the Whistle, 1) On the off chance that whistleblowing at a work environment is exceptionally energized and is generally constructive, the whistleblowing in relational relations ought to be stayed away from. Let us think about a model; during a discussion between two companions, one of them has informed that he fiddled his government forms. Would it be suitable for the other individual to advise the relating specialists about the bad behavior of his companion? The specialists have given residents a variety of free telephone numbers for illuminating about the bad behaviors in flexible territories. The most acclaimed is the advantage extortion line, set up in the mid year of 1995 and presumed to be accepting 8,000 calls per week. Its prosperity seems to have start a trend: presently we have the Crime Stoppers Trust offering awards for comprehending violations, an Environment Agency line searching for data on polluters, and different lines that urge us to educate nearby ecological wellbeing divisions co ncerning uproarious neighbors. It is worth to take note of that informants talk not to their benefit and frequently hazard their professions on the grounds that the gatherings they face are considerably more powerful.â That is the reason whistleblowing is compared to heroism.â  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Newly Renovated State Farm Center and Illini Basketball
The Newly Renovated State Farm Center and Illini Basketball This past Tuesday, I was lucky enough to receive a free ticket from a friend to go to the Illini mens basketball game. They were playing our Big Ten foe, Rutgers University. It was my first time going, and I got to join my two roommates in the Orange Krush. Orange Krush is the name of the student section that cheers on the Illini Mens Basketball Team. I highly recommend joining it because you get to meet other Illini fans and get a closer look at the team that you wouldnt get if you were just a typical Illini fan. The Orange Krush also raise money for local philanthropist groups, so it is a great opportunity to give back to the community, all while cheering on the Illini! Source: Alchetron.com The State Farm Center is the basketball arena for the Illini. A huge renovation project began in 2014 and finished in late 2016, and I finally had the chance to check it out. I must admit that they did a really great job. The coolest upgrade is the addition of an Illini Sports Hall of Fame. Its basically a mini-museum of Illini basketball memorabilia from the great Illini basketball teams. The 2005 mens basketball team is featured. They went to the NCAA Final Four and championship game, and the Illini Sports Hall of Fame features tons of trophies from that year. It made me feel really nostalgic for my years as a little kid cheering on the Illini. Even if you arent too big of a basketball fan, its still a sight to see. It made me appreciate the history of the basketball program. Source: Scad.edu The game itself was super exciting. I was glad to see our new head basketball coach, Brad Underwood. He was the head coach over at Oklahoma State and was rather successful there. He took his team to the NCAA Tournament during March Madness, so we have high hopes for the team this year. Source: YouTube It was also Deron Williams bobblehead night. Guess who made a special appearance? Deron Williams! One of the best players in Illini basketball history and three-time NBA All-Star! He was on the famous 2005 basketball team that I mentioned earlier. It was so cool to see that he remembers where he came from and and that he still cheers for the Illini. Source: Herald Review I experienced a great fan environment while sitting in the Orange Krush section. The students had such awesome enthusiasm for the team, and they got really passionate about the game. We ended up beating Rutgers by 20 points! It definitely made me want to go to the rest of the games this season. After all, it is my last semester. Source: Own photo Daniel Class of 2018 I’m an Advertising major in the College of Media. I’m from a northwest suburb of Chicago called Buffalo Grove. I chose Illinois because it was the first university in the entire world to offer an Advertising major, which is pretty cool!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Smoke As An American Citizen - 1099 Words
Smoking Parents Tyler McClellan September 9, 2015 British Literature B Life Academy If I choose to smoke as an American citizen I will if I want simply because it is my right to do so, I mean after all is that not what this country was founded upon in the first place? Freedom? Yes it is. Since this is true why would we say you can have your freedom to do as you please but place stipulations on it? Since the United States is a free country it should be anyone`s right to smoke even if he or she exposes children to secondhand/thirdhand smoke, especially since recent studies show that the risk of second-hand and third –hand smoke has been gradually decreasing , and there are many health hazards other than those associated with smoking that cause death. Smoking is not a subjective activity because people have an option to be around you or not. Granted you should be considerate when smoking around you kids or anyone else’s kids for that matter. But that does not mean that you cannot smoke around kids at all. I am not saying that second-hand, or third-han d smoking isn’t a reality, it is but studies show that second-hand smoke has decreased in recent years meaning that smoking around children is not as big of a risk as one may have it once thought it to be. In many aspects the United States of America is the most free country in the world. We are allowed to believe in and do what we want as far as politics, religion, and different activities go. In thisShow MoreRelatedEssay on Public Smoking Ban1091 Words  | 5 PagesUnited States Surgeon General Richard Carmona stated the nearly 126 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke (Report: Ban smoking in public places). The risk of inferior health caused by smoking in public establishments is truly intolerable. The banning of smoking in public places everywhere should be imposed because it would reduce the risk of health problems of non-smokers, it could reduce the number of smokers all together, and, therefore, reduce the amount of valuable money taxpayersRead More Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?1137 Words  | 5 Pagessmoking in the United States? Since cigarettes were introduced to Americans, questions have been raised concerning the legality of smoking and if it should be allowed everyone, in public places, or not at all. Recently, with the increase knowledge in cost and healthcare, the controversy with cigarette smoking has significantly risen. Across the country, states have banned smoking in public areas and inside buildings. Some citizens agree with the new laws, while others feel it is a violation of rightsRead More Banning Cigarettes Essay800 Words  | 4 Pages Each year, the U.S. government passes numerous laws to protect its citizens. Yet, one perfectly legal product manages to seize over 400,000 American lives annually (American Lung Association, quot;Americanquot;). Despite the efforts of the U.S. government to protect its citizens, the government continues to ignore the single most preventable cause of premature deaths. The vicious culprit attributed to these deaths is the common cigarette. Death, however, is not the only transgression cigarettesRead MoreDrug Use in America Essay1212 Words  | 5 PagesReefers Dangerous illegal drugs have plagued American citizens and their youth for as long as the country has been in existence. These harmful drugs are not only responsible for countless amounts of deaths, but the corruption of the American society in general. All too many times have these drugs been blamed for insanity, racism, rebellion, and straight up violence. Today the government is spending approximately $19.179 billion in one year to combat these evils (Gifford). UnfortunatelyRead MoreSmoking Bans On New Jersey924 Words  | 4 Pagesbars, parks, and clubs. Nonsmokers can consume second hand smoke which is dangerous. The risk of smoking in a building can result in a fire and lead to traumatic events. The smell of smoke can deter people from coming in. Smoking bans are very important to preserve intact, so we don’t have these risks to society and businesses. For a long time people have had different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is the ir right to smoke where and when they want, and nonsmokers feel like theirRead MoreSmoking Should Not Be Allowed on Campuses753 Words  | 4 PagesStates currently smoke cigarettes. However, the report also said that more than 2.4 million people died in the USA annually, and over 480,000 people died because of smoking. Medical News Today (2013) said that smokers died ten years sooner than non-smoker. Besides, there are close to 20 million college students in The U.S.A (Nation Center for Education Statistic, 2015) and 30% of them smoke (The MU School of Medicine, 2013). To be more precise, there are 6 million college students smoke on campuses.Read MoreEssay on Smoking; Who Does it Really Affect?1128 Words  | 5 PagesSecondhand smoke is extremely hazardous. It can cause death and dangerous health defects. Therefore, smoking is not only bad for the smoker, but for people around him or her too. However, there are only few laws that restrict public smoking. More legislation on smoking restrictions is needed because secondhand smoke causes asthma attacks in children, heart disease in adults, and sudden infant death syndrome in babies. These health problems are a result of the harmful chemicals in cigarettes. AccordingRead MoreEssay on Be Smart, Don’t start.912 Words  | 4 PagesThank you for Smoking In the article â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?†by Brimelow, the major claim is that smoking, in some ways, may be good for one and one’s health. Brimelow reports that people who smoke have half the risk of getting Parkinson’s disease compared to that of non-smokers. People who smoke have been found to have a 50% less chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Smokers have a 50% lower rate of prostate cancer than that of non-smokers and a fifty percent chance of developing colon andRead MoreHow Can Such a Life Threatening Issue Be Overlooked So Easily?1611 Words  | 7 PagesMillions of Americans die every year from cigarette smoke, but not all of them are smokers. Conclusive information shows, â€Å"Since the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, 2.5 million adults who were nonsmokers died because they breathed secondhand smoke†(â€Å"Health Effects†). These nonsmokers, who died from secondhand smoke related illnesses, were exposed to secondhand smoke throughout their lives in order for these illnesses to develop. Most adults who suffer from secondhand smoke related issues were raisedRead MoreCigarette Smoking Should Not Be Banned1528 Words  | 7 Pagesbreathing second-hand smoke while using national parks.†(Dinan, 2013) I don’t think they should. All throughout the world people do things that is not always agreed with in different cultures in communities but even religions. Some people believe eating red meat is a sin but should you take it away from those who enjoy it. We are living in the land of the free. Aren’t we? I am against the banning of tobacco products because not only is it a right as an American citizen to be able to smoke, it is a job for
Saturday, May 9, 2020
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest And Of Mice And Men
MiloÃ… ¡ Forman and John Steinbeck in their texts One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) and Of Mice and Men (1937) heavily use and explore the key ideas of ambition and companionship explored throughout their texts, primarily through the use of characterization but also through imagery and symbolisms. Alongside techniques, Forman and Steinbeck utilise other themes and ideas to further develop and convey their ideas, exploring the effect and power of ambition and dreams alongside belonging and individuality being used to explore themes of companionship. The protagonists of both texts rely on the power of companionship to overcome obstacles in order achieve their goals and dreams and similarly, when faced with their dream alone, they are†¦show more content†¦Forman explores the same notion through the relationship of Chief and McMurphy, as the two proved they were able to escape; they united under the symbol of their aspirations, Canada and planned for escape. However, due to McMurphy’s hesitation to escape, he was rendered unable to think or talk through electroshock therapy, leaving him a shell of his former self in which Chief mercifully executes and then escapes using McMurphy’s failed plan to break the window, the fountain symbolising McMurphy’s attempt and his companionship. Both texts place a strong emphasis on the power of dreams and ambition, Steinbeck interprets this within his text as the power to persevere and work hard, whilst Forman similarly expresses that power as the power to not concede due to limitations, primarily disability. Steinbeck primarily utilises the setting to emphasise the idea that dreams and ambitions are essential to workers in the context of the text, but further applies to everyone including Curley’s wife whom is seen as an evil character that stems from her regret for not pursuing her dream of being â€Å"in the pictures†. Simultaneously, whilst showcasing the power that the ambition and dream of George and Lennie gives them in terms of perseverance to seek work to achieve, Steinbeck uses the opposite to further emphasise his idea that dreams give people strength through the loss or lack of a dream. Steinbeck’s character Crooks serves to be the personification, acting cold andShow MoreRelatedThe Canon An d The Modern Day Student1736 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen a topic debated for many years. Whether to cut it from the school curriculum or to keep it in the curriculum to teach children messages from timeless classic novels. It has been argued for many years if novels such as Of Mice and Men and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest are classics and should be involved in the canon. These two classics involve a number of messages that the modern day student should learn to take on the outside world. The novels outline messages such as hope, determination,Read MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kelsey1646 Words  | 7 PagesHealing Methods One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kelsey, is a novel that exposed the mental hospitals in the 1960s. The main nurse in the story is Nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched believes in three forms of healing known as group therapy sessions, lobotomy, and ETC, Electroshock therapy. The novel displays the use of therapy and how sometimes physical therapy isn’t the best therapy for patients. The nurse uses the ward and her therapy methods cohesively to bring the patient s back to â€Å"normal†Read MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 Pagesauthor’s treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. You may select a work from the list below or another novel or play of comparable literary merit. Alias Grace Middlemarch All the King’s Men Moby-Dick Candide Obasan Death of a Salesman Oedipus Rex Doctor Faustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz andRead MoreAddiction Psychology4561 Words  | 19 Pages ADDICTION REVISION Biological Models of Addiction MODEL ONE: GENETICS McGue (1999) found that genes contribute to the development of alcohol dependence, with heritability estimates from 50-60% for both men and women. Noble et al (1991) found that the A1 variant of the DRD2 (Dopamine Receptor) was present in more than 2/3 of deceased alcoholics. Those with the A1 variant appear to have fewer dopamine receptors; they then turn to drugs and alcohol to increase their dopamine levels – compensatingRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 Pagescommunities, and, places Students are expected to explore through the study of their texts: †¢ †¢ †¢ aspects of belonging, including the potential of the individual to enrich or challenge a community or group. the way attitudes to belonging are modified over time choices not to belong, or barriers which prevent belonging Students are expected to : †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ develop their own understanding of the concept of belonging through their engagement with texts become aware of the construction of perceptions
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Forecasting Compact Car Market in India Free Essays
Forecasting Compact Car Market in India Contents Executive Summary3 Problem Statement4 1. Demand Analysis5 2. SupPly Analysis7 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Forecasting Compact Car Market in India or any similar topic only for you Order Now Forecasting model11 5. Cost/Profit Analysis for KIa12 Conclusion13 References14 Executive Summary 1. Problem Statement KIA has decided to enter Compact Car market in India. KIA proposes to introduce cars in the range of 5-8 Lacks that will compete with Maruti Dzire, Hundai Accent, Maruti SX4 rtc. The current size of market for cars in this range is : Quantity of cars produced in this range is: Current Market Share of various cars in this market From the Supply perspective KIA expectsFixed Costs as: Marginal Costs as: Average variable costs as lt;We need to assume something here based of any other company cost structure : for example say KIA need to spend 3. 5 lacks per car to produce at quantity 2000 nos per yesrgt; The objective of this study is to find out based on market and competitor analysis number of cars Kia need to produce to recover their investment in 5 years. 1. Demand Analysis The Law of Demand states that the relationship between a good’s price and the quantity demanded of that good is negative. This is referred to as a â€Å"change in quantity demanded†. Own-price changes cause movements along a given demand curve. The demand for automobiles for is dependent of certain factors: The demand function for X: XD = f (PX, Ps, Pc, I, Tamp;P, Pop, A, O, PPP, R, SP, Av, In, Tr, F) Where: XD = quantity demanded PX = X’s price; the price of a car Ps = the price of substitutes Pc = the price of complements PPP=Purchasing Power parity of the consumers R= Rising income level of the consumer I= Inflation of the country A=after sales service cost Tamp;P=tastes and preferences Pop=population in market or market size O=Oil prices SP= Price of Spare Parts Av= Availability of nearby service stationIn=Lack of proper roads Tr= Traffic Condition on the Roads F=Financing options available in the market Demand Curve 2009 Price vs Quantity analysis of Sedan Cars in India lt;Add Demand Curve analysis heregt; Shift In Demand Curve Changes in these shift the demand curve: * Number of buyers * Tastes and preferences * Income of the consumers * Purchasing P ower Parity * Change in Fuel Prices * Change in Financing Options * After sales servicing cost * Availability of spare parts * Lack of Infrastructure Facilities like Roads, etc. * Price of substitutes or complements * Expectation of future pricesNumber of buyers Demand is originating from new segments of the market; Apart from the usual clientele like industrialists, film stars and chairpersons of companies, an increasing number of young professionals like doctors, chartered accountants, lawyers and software professionals owning start-ups do not mind splurging on our cars. Tastes and preferences The surge in demand for compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) vehicles in India is driven by the increasing price of petrol and diesel, as well as by the fact that CNG prices are relatively low compared to prices for more traditional fuels.Demand is driven by growing environmental concern and the Indian government’s proactive measures to implement Euro-II emissio n norms. Price of substitutes or complements Substitutes: Goods that can serve as replacements for one another: when the price of one increases, demand for the other goes up. When the price of a Honda city goes up, the demand for its substitute the Hyundai car goes up. Complements/complementary goods: Goods that â€Å"go together†, i. e. a decrease in the price of one results in an increase in demand for the other.If the price of petrol increases, the demand for car and its complementary good will fall. if the price of Cars were to rise dramatically, less people would chose to buy and use cars, switching perhaps to public transport – trains perhaps !. It follows that under these circumstances the demand for the complementary good – Petrol – would also decrease. Expectations of future Price Changes Just as an actual increase in the price of a product may reduce demand, so the expectation that prices are about to rise will increase demand, as people buy more now, in order to avoid paying a higher price latter. For example if price of automobiles is expected to increase after the budget the people would prefer buying their vehicles before the budget is put to effect in anticipation of high prices in future. Changes in income There are two ways an increase in the level of income can affect the demand of cars. On the demand side, typically an increase in income would mean an increase for the demand of cars. However, this may not apply to low end cars such a maruti. Since people have more money, they most likely would buy a nicer car, so low-end cars may see a decrease in demand. Purchasing Power ParityThough there is increase in income level of the consumers but that does not mean that his purchasing power has increased. Due to the rising inflation prevailing in the country the value of the money decreases and that decrease the purchasing power of the consumers. This will affect the demand of the cars in country. Rising fuel Price As we know that when the fuel prices increases the sales of premium vehicles decreases as Fuel Prices and Cars arecomple me nta ry goods. In the case of complementary goods the price of one product affects the demand of other complementary good.So there has to be a proper decision in the price of complementary goods. Lack of infrastructure facilities: Lack of infrastructure facilities also affects the buying decision of the consumers. Since there is no proper infrastructure facility like roads, so due to this there can occur traffic jams, so consumer in that condition postpone their decision to buy a new car and that decreases the demand for the automobiles. 2. SupPly Analysis The Law of Supply states that the relationship between a good’s price and the quantity supplied of the good is positive.Own-price changes cause movements along a given supply curve. The supply of cars e. g. Honda city is dependent on certain factors. The supply function for X: XS = g (PX, Pfop, Poc, S;amp;T, N) Where: XS = quantity supplied PX = X’s price Pfop = prices of factors of production Poc = opportunity costs (alternatives in productions) S;amp;T = science and technology R= Price of raw materials like Steel, tyre, plastics for making dashboards, etc. N = number of firms in the market SUPPLY CURVE Price ?A change in the quantity supplied is a movement along the supply curve. A movement along the supply curve for X would be caused by a change in Px. ?When price increases, the quantity supplied by suppliers rises at every price and when price decreases, the quantity supplied by suppliers falls at every price. Example: When price increases from $1000 to $5000, the quantity supplied rises from 3 units of cars to 5 units of cars. ?Changes in these shift the supply curve: Price of resources (labor, land, Capital, Raw materials) Management skills Technology Marketing Production techniques Expectations 1. Price of other commodities-There are two typesCompetitive supply-If a producer switches from producing A to producing B, the price of A will fall and hence the supply will fall because it’s less profitable to make A. Example- if the car producers switches from producing luxury car, Honda city to producing small segment car, the price of Honda city will fall and hence the supply will fall because it is less profitable to make Honda city. Joint supply-A r ise in one product may cause a rise in another. Example- a rise in the price of cars may cause a rise in the price of car accessories and car gear.This means supply of car accessories and car gear will rise because it is more profitable. 2. Costs of production-If production costs rise, supply will fall because the manufacture of the product in question will become less profitable. 3. Change in availability of resources-If steel becomes scarce; fewer cars can be made, so supply will fall. 4. Research and Development: Ramp;D cost increases the price of the vehicles, regular products 4. Forecasting model 5. Cost/Profit Analysis for KIa Conclusion References How to cite Forecasting Compact Car Market in India, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Simon And Ralph Comparison At Chapter 3 Essays -
Simon and Ralph Comparison at Chapter 3 Simon and Ralph Comparison at Chapter 3 Golding portrays the different characters and those ideologies that accompany them with a strong contrast in writing style. To further understand this we must compare characters from his Nobel Prize winning novel, The Lord of the Flies. A good example of this is Jack who represents evil, described at the beginning of chapter three, and Simon who represents good and spirituality, described at the end of chapter three. Golding writes the story with the knowledge that characters who strongly dominate the plot at any given time of the book will become associated with the mood and imagery of their surroundings. When he writes about Jack he creates dark images, to represent evil. One of the ways that he does this is by placing Jack in a dark and unpleasant jungle. The jungle that Golding describes is also humid, and makes the reader feel uncomfortable. He also describes Jack as being similar to animals; "...Then dog-like on all fours...", "...flared nostrils", as to create an image of a character who is governed by instinct and savagery. The mention of dark sunburn and freckles splashes the image of red colour on Jack's character signifying rage and lack of control. Every move that Jack makes is described as quick and deceiving, and this prevents the reader from trusting or admiring Jack. When Golding writes about Simon's sunburn, he describes it as a deep tan, which does not have the same connotation as Jack's red sunburn. Every move that Simon makes is slow and delicate; "...He picked his way up the scar...", "...He walked with an accustomed tread...". Simon is found in a beautiful scene with fruit trees, flowers, and honey bees. Butterflies dance, expressing the good spirit always accompanying Simon. Golding has the little ones who are the helpless and weak members of society seek Simon for aide in reaching fruit that they themselves cannot reach. This is done intentionally to show Simon's compassion, and Golding would not place Jack in a similar scenario. Chapter three concludes with white flowers opening to symbolize peace and love, the aura surrounding Simon. It is nocoincidence that Simon and Jack are placed in such different circumstances and imagery. It is also no mistake that any similar movements and characteristics (sunburn) the two have, are described in such a way as to create differing connotations. Golding writes every sentence, places every image, and inserts every symbol with precision. He truly is a masterful writer.
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