Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sex Education Is The Teaching Of Issues - 1048 Words

Sex education is the teaching of issues relating to human sexuality and behavior, including anatomy, reproduction, health relationships, responsibilities, abstinence, and birth control. This information can be taught by parents or guardians, provided by school programs or public health organizations and campaigns. Sex education also develops young people s skills so that they can make the most informed choices when it comes to their behavior, and feel confident enough and competent about acting on choices. It is widely accepted across the United States that young people have a right to sex education. This is only because this by any means help to protect the children against abuse, any exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually†¦show more content†¦Scaring them with information that has been study should be making them intimidated and hope to get everyone’s attention. Health reformers in 1800s used sex education manuals to conduct the notion that the ideal type of manhood which is tied to self control meaning (no masturbation). When sex education is being taught it should be effective which it gives opportunities for young people to develop skills. It can definitely be hard for them to act on the basis of only having the information. The knowledge which the young people develop part of sex education are not only linked to general life skills. The effective part of sex education also helps develop young people s skills when it comes to decision-making, assertion and listening. A few things that are being taught are Abstinence-Only which teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for teenagers. Abstinence Only Until marriage that â€Å"teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for unmarried young people. Abstinence Plus Programs which teach information about contraception and condoms in the context of strong abstinence messages.Comprehensive sexuality education teaches about abstinence as the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnan cy, but also teaches about condoms and contraception to reduce the risk

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